Linearization on Michaelis Menten
Michaelis menten equation , is a mathematical model on which
we can investigate the reaction kinetics of an enzyme when it binds to its
substrate , it gives us full understanding on the underlying rate of reactions
and the effects on the substrate by the catalysis of the enzyme.
Importance of this mathematical model lies in revealing the
catalytic mechanism of this enzyme, its role in metabolism, how its activity is
controlled and how a drug or an agonist might inhibit the enzyme.
General mathematical mode of michaelis menten is as follows
The plot of v versus [S] is not linear, this nonlinearity
could make it difficult to estimate Km and Vmax accurately , therefore, several
researchers developed some linearization of the above mathematical model such
as lineweaver-burk plot , Eadie-Hofstee diagram and the hanes-Woolf plot. In
this assignment, I am going to explain the lineweaver-Burk plot In more details.
LineWeaver-Burk Plot
LineWeaver-Burk plot or double reciprocal plot is a common
way of illustrating kinetic data. It is produced by taking the reciprocal of
both sides of the michaelis menten equation. As follows
The above double reciprocal method yields a linear equation
on the rate of catalytic reaction of an enzyme which can be plotted against the
observed data .
According to the general formulae for a straight line of the
Y = M * X + b
M è
Which is the slope of the regression line, in LineWeaver-Burk plot represents
Km / Vmax
B è
The intercept , Y-Axis intercept which represents the reciprocal of Vmax . 1 /
And another intercept with X-Axis which represents the
reciprocal of michaelis constant which is 1 / Km
The following plot explains it in more details
Example of Michaelis menten
In R , I have followed the following steps to produce LineWeaver-Burk Plot
Ø substrate <- c(20,40,80,120,160,220,260)
Ø reaction <- c(41.0,77.0,113,144,162,185,197)
Ø dataset <- data.frame(substrate,reaction)
Ø attach(dataset)
Ø plot(reaction~substrate,main=”Michaelis Menten Kinetics Plot”)
Producing a lineWeaver Burk plot implies taking the double reciprocal on both sides of michaelis menten equation , so taking the reciprocal of both substrate and reaction variables as follows
Ø recipSubstrate <- 1 / substrate
Ø recipReaction <- 1 / reaction
Ø plot(recipReaction~recipSubstrate,main=”Reciprocal of Michaelis menten variables”)
Now to generate a linear model from the following data , we
are going to issue the lm Command in R.
linearmodel <-
Ø Call:
Ø lm(formula = recipReaction ~ recipSubstrate)
Ø Coefficients:
Ø (Intercept)
Ø 0.003468 0.412298
Ø Summary(linearmodel)
Ø Call:
Ø lm(formula = recipReaction ~ recipSubstrate)
Ø Residuals:
Ø 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
Ø 3.072e-04 -7.886e-04 2.277e-04
4.048e-05 1.278e-04 6.317e-05
Ø Coefficients:
Ø Estimate Std. Error t value
Ø (Intercept)
0.0034682 0.0002145 16.17 1.65e-05 ***
Ø recipSubstrate 0.4122980 0.0096963
42.52 1.36e-07 ***
Ø ---
Ø Signif. codes:
0 ‘***’ 0.001 ‘**’ 0.01 ‘*’ 0.05 ‘.’ 0.1 ‘ ’ 1
Ø Residual standard error: 0.0003976 on 5 degrees
of freedom
Ø Multiple R-squared: 0.9972, Adjusted
R-squared: 0.9967
Ø F-statistic:
1808 on 1 and 5 DF, p-value:
To generate the regression line on the following data
Ø Abline(linearmodel)
From the above data , we can predict both Vmax and Km as followsAccording to line-Weaver Burk plot , the Y-axis intercept is 1 / Vmaxb = 1 / Vmax = 0.0034682Vmax = 288.334Where the X-Axis intercept with the Reciprocal of the substrate on the above plot is1 / Km = 0.4122980Km = 2.42543Now we have predicted both Vmax and km values, Therefore, we can calculate the slope of the line which is represented byM = Km / Vmax = 2.42543 / 288.334 = 0.008411Coefficient of Determination R-Squared is = 0.9972 , that means about 99 % of the data will be predicted by the regression line and 1 % will be left for unknown reasons.Generally , the regression line is considered a good fit for predicting the relationship between the two variables.